Friday, August 24, 2007

Bedtime?...I Don't Think So

Calvin and Owen are in bed by 7:30 so I really look forward to "me time" in the evening. Even if I just use the time to clean or pay bills...the time is mine. But it is so hard to put Wyatt to sleep at 8:00. He may be getting sleepy, but he gets his second wind right before bedtime. He smiles, plays, crawls around. He is so cute. Then again I also think he is really cute while he sleeps too. Problem Solved.


Joni said...

So cute! I'm gald to see you finally posted!!! I check your blog all the time; its fun to see what you're up to.

Ashley said...

Yay, I've been waiting for another picture of him. I can't believe how big he's getting! Why can't they stay tiny? I'm fighting baby hunger already!

Thanks for the email, I'll update about work tomorrow :)

The Albrights said...

OK so you never change your blog so I never check it, now that I do there are like a million new posts. I love Wyatt he is so adorable and is like the perfect baby despite the fact that he only wants you...he is the most mild mannered baby out there.

The Hunts said...

Wow! I cant believe your kids go to bed at 7:30. I never figured that out when my girls were young. I found your blog off of Joni's. It was so fun to see your family. We need to get Shelly to blog!

The Hunts said...

Back to the 7:30 bedtime. I think I will announce a 7:30 bedtime tonight. It will be fun to see my children's response, especially my 12 year old.